Monday, February 16, 2015

Burnout: Prevention

Burnout: Prevention

I was in my ethics class the other day and one of my classmates presented a chapter about ethical techniques in mental health professions. One of her slides was this one, it was concerning prevention of a person from going through burnout. I found it interesting because I considered the above points to be noteworthy not just for mental health professionals, but for teachers. Read the above points and let me know what you think :)

Preventing Teacher Burnout: Focusing

Preventing Teacher Burnout: Focusing

Before the semester started, I found it hard to take in all the things that I had to do. I started to freak out because now I was to start working, take 17 credits, and on top of that I was wondering if I was pursuing my career for the right reasons! Everything seemed to add up and overwhelm me. All of this was going on inside of me until the stress that I was feeling penetrated and my appearance reflected a distracted look. Mothers, they are a blessing on earth! They know you like the palm of their hand! Of course my mother decided ask the simplest yet powerful question, "What's wrong?" Me getting tired of this mental burden, decided to tell her my doubts and fears. She decided to pray with me first and then she told me something that I have never really given importance to before. She said, "Focus. Stop thinking too much. Focus on what you can do and what you can't do leave it to God." From that moment on I decided to focus on why I decided to work (pay university bill), take 17 credits (finish college faster), pursue a career in psychology education (I want to understand why people do what they do, I want to help young people, be a listening ears to the people needing to be heard). I know that I am no professional, but sometimes we need to consider the simplest things. For this reason I encourage you to focus. Focus on the reason and main purpose behind what you are pursuing. Don’t overwhelm yourself, sometimes the details are what make a difference.